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汤母在游泳(Tom Is Swimming)
更新时间:2024-04-26 21:01:34

汤母在游泳(Tom Is Swimming)Today is Chidrd’s day. Tom is vry happy. H is playing hid-and-sk with boys. H is playing hopscotch with girls. H is playing baskt ball with boys. H is vry busy. .H wants gos to swim in th lak. But h dosn’t tll his tachr. H is swimming in th lak.Hy, whr’s Tom? Jant says. H dosn’t com hr? Dos h go to play chss? Bill says. I can’t bliv. H is a good boy! To tll you th truth, I know Tom bst! Hln says. .B quit! Listn, that’s Tom’s voic! Bobo says. Thy all go to th lak. Tom says Hlp m! Hlp&hllip;&hllip;I’m dowm! Pull! Pull! You ar all right! Bobo says.

汤母在游泳(Tom Is Swimming)

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